Flying Your Dog: A Compulsive Parent's Guide

Sunday, January 15, 2006

A Terrier's Trans Pacific Flight

We are the quentisential, cumpulsive, don't have children, I have a terrier, dog owners. When we adopted our dog in Hawaii, we assumed that was it. We were officialy tied to a little island in the middle of the pacific. No leaving the dog. No flying the dog. No leaving Hawaii.

But, things of course have a way of changing. I'm writing this blog from my house in Seattle with my Hawaii born terrier-child happily cuddled at my feet. This blog is for all those other compulsive dog owners who are up to their eyeballs with information (from your "i know it all" neighbor and your "it will be fine" vet to complacent airline websites and god help us federal websites) that you need a terrier nose to sort out facts from lore.

First things first, it goes without saying that if you don't have to fly your dog you shouldn't...if you are the compulsive, "i don't want to take any chances" type, that is. Furthermore, if your dog is small enough to fit below your seat (15 lbs. or so depending on the airline), well, that is obviously the preference. And for you optimists out there who are thinking "maybe" I can fit 25 lb. Buster below the airline seat...well, its akin to trying to fit into a dress that's a few sizes too one is going to be happy...maybe if she dieted...maybe a terrier fast... (yes, I thought of that). No, short of charting your man-made floating device across the ocean (yes, I thought of that too), flying "below deck" is the option. And no, they won't let you fly "below deck" (and yes, I thought of that too).

You are going to panic, at least a bit, but this blog will help you panic intelligently.


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